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15-21Celebrities having birthdays during the week of Jan. In addition to the few that were pirates themselves, women have also historically been more heavily involved in piracy through secondary roles, interacting with pirates through being smugglers, lenders of money, purchasers of stolen goods, tavern keepers and prostitutes, and through having been family members of both pirates and victims. Although they have received little academic attention, women still occupy these important secondary roles in contemporary piracy. Seafaring in general has historically been a highly masculine-gendered activity. Women who became pirates at times disguised themselves as men in order to do so since they were otherwise rarely allowed on pirate ships.

In addition to historical female pirates, women in piracy have also frequently appeared in legends and folklore. Legendary Chinese pirate who appears in a legend wherein she and her crew liberates a captive young woman named P’ao. Queen of the city-state of Halicarnassus. The earliest historical female pirate, Artemisia captained a fighting ship and led the most famous pirate fleet in the Mediterranean. Queen regent of the Ardiaei tribe, active in the Adriatic Sea. Sister of the Norwegian king Koller, who she quarrelled with, and led her own raids both in sea and land. Her story is akin to a fairy tale and she consequently appears to be a mythical figure.

One of the women accompanying Afhild. Sister of Stikla, fought with her against Olov and Harald. Briefly mentioned in the Gesta Danorum. Longship captain who was killed in battle. Longship captain who became the ruler of Zealand.

Longship captain who became a standard-bearer and lost her right hand in battle. Sometimes conflated with Rusila but appears to be a distinct figure. Viking shield-maiden who accompanied and later married the legendary hero and king Ragnar Lodbrok. Became a military leader after her husband’s death in battle against the Danes in 911. Took command of the fleets to rid the seas of the Viking raiders.