Stewed prunes calories

This is a premium piece of content available to registered users. A star rating of 5 out of 5. Let your stewed prunes calories do all the work with this shoulder of lamb.

Cook our lamb ragu low and slow for tender meat and a beautifully thick sauce. Let the oven do the work with this easy and flavourful lamb stew. Try something different this Easter with a spectacular seasonal lamb soup. Perfectly marinated meat that melts in the mouth is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

A melt-in-the-mouth lamb dish so tender that you can carve it with the back of a spoon. A star rating of 4 out of 5. I think eating the local food here is one of the best things to do in Costa Rica! If your mouth is watering already, we’ve narrowed it down to the 23 most delicious traditional foods you have to try while visiting Costa Rica.