Ribs near me

This article ribs near me additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Ribs of pork, beef, lamb, and venison are a cut of meat.

They can be roasted, grilled, fried, sous vide, baked, braised, or smoked. Pork ribs were considered cast off cuts and in the 19th century as pork was primarily packaged in wood barrels, butchers would not be able to fit the spareribs. This oversupply of ribs meant that in areas where hogs were being packed or processed, ribs could be found at zero or low cost. Barbeque ribs became popular in the 20th century at the dawn of mechanical refrigeration. In American cuisine, ribs usually refers to barbecue pork ribs, or sometimes beef ribs, which are served with various barbecue sauces.

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