Nearby food

Not nearby food be confused with Special:Nearby. Text document with red question mark.

Some of this article’s listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Nearby was originally launched in June 2010.

The site closed in September 2021 following a significant data break. Nearby was founded by Brian Hamachek. The company is located in Palo Alto, California. The company is a member of the Microsoft Bizspark program.

Nearby uses the GPS unit in a phone or computer to determine your location and returns a list of users nearby based on relative proximity. The Windows Phone application was selected at the 2011 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference as the 2nd best application in the Marketplace. Nearby was selected by Microsoft as a Bizspark Featured Startup on April 30, 2013. The Nearby app for Windows Phone was runner-up in Nokia’s Create competition within the NFC category. Windows Phone Mango: 10 New Apps You Must Check Out” URL accessed April 22, 2013.