Mature bbc

Julia Mature bbc and George Clooney in Ticket to Paradise. After a lean decade, the 90s staple has returned in a big way. But there is one key difference: grey hair.

How did older actors take over the genre? Last modified on Thu 19 Jan 2023 18. Much like a platonic friend who realises that their soulmate was by their side all along, Hollywood has finally noticed how desperate we are for new romantic comedies. Over the past decade, we were lucky if we got one high-profile romcom a year. But on 27 January, there are three to choose from.

Jennifer Lopez and Josh Duhamel in Shotgun Wedding. In February, Your Place or Mine features Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher as friends who may just become more than friends, and Working Title brings us What’s Love Got to Do With It? The current wave of big-name romcoms isn’t quite the same as the last one, though. Or, to put it another way, the current wave is almost exactly the same as the last one, in that the actors who were in the old films are in the new ones, too. One major element of their appeal is that we don’t have to get to know any promising newcomers. Ticket to Paradise was a vehicle for George Clooney and Julia Roberts, who are 61 and 55.