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Lovehoney Group lovehoney black friday the world’s leading sexual-wellbeing company. We offer best-in-class brands with innovative, high-quality sex toys, lingerie, accessories and premium online shopping experiences. With a focus on exceptional product innovation, customer service and best-in-class consumer websites, Lovehoney Group is at the forefront of developments in the sexual wellbeing market. Lovehoney Group’s suite of brands have won numerous awards for everything from product design and innovation to customer service and licensing.

In recognition of the business’ achievements, Lovehoney Group received the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2016 and again in 2021. Want to join us in our mission to spread sexual happiness around the world? We offer roles across a multitude of disciplines, from customer service, creative and marketing to design, engineering and website development. We have nine offices in locations that span the globe. We’d love to hear from you. Enter the terms you wish to search for. Lovehoney, a leading sexual wellness brand in the U.

K, debuted its new ad featuring a ball gag with the slogan “Silence is golden, Harry” in the days after the prince undertook multiple interviews promoting his memoir, Spare, which was published on January 10. In the book, the prince recounted a number of intimate anecdotes including how he lost his virginity at the age of 17 in a field behind a pub, and how he got frostbite on his penis following a 2011 trek to the North Pole. Prince Harry photographed March 4, 2019. And Lovehoney’s “Silence is golden” billboard in London, January 13, 2022. The sex toy ad referenced the memoir title by directing viewers to its website with the phrase: “Spare ball gags available. Lovehoney’s head of sexual empowerment, Johanna Rief, told Newsweek, that the brand had a long-established history supporting the prince, but that his recent revelations had gone “a bit too far.

We have been—and still are—ardent supporters of Harry and Meghan’s journey, particularly the way they have voiced such important issues as racism, misogyny, and bullying within the U. However, we feel that Harry’s memoir has taken certain things—for example references to his ‘todger’ —a bit too far, falling under the category of ‘Too Much Information,’ so wanted to put out a playful response to this, in our own Lovehoney way. The company has also, in the past, gone as far as to create products commemorating Harry’s 2018 marriage to Meghan Markle. Lovehoney are long-term supporters of Prince Harry and, having even launched a commemorative ‘Royal Wedding Penis Ring’ to celebrate the pair’s marriage,” Rief explained. We have also had a close connection to the royal family in the past, having twice been awarded the Queen’s Award—once in 2016 and again in 2021.

The Queen’s Award For Enterprise, named after Queen Elizabeth II, celebrates British businesses for achievements in innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity through social mobility. The adult toy company released the gag ad in London in the days following the publication of the prince’s revealing memoir. The billboard has been displayed in London’s Clapham Common area and also online, in the hopes that it will bring a “smile” to those that come across it, Rief said. We simply wanted to bring a smile to people’s faces. There are so many negative stories around at the moment, we wanted to make a light-hearted, Lovehoney-esque response to the memoir—if we made even one person laugh then we’ve succeeded. Think less tongue-in-cheek and more ball-gag-in-mouth. Harry has become the butt of several jokes over his revealing memoir anecdotes.