Buy baklava

I’m usually home by late afternoon. By the bye, how was the dinner? To acquire by sacrifice, exchange, buy baklava trade: wanted to buy love with gifts. To bribe: tried to buy a judge.

Informal To accept the truth or feasibility of: The officer didn’t buy my lame excuse for speeding. An act of purchasing: a drug buy. To acquire a stake or interest in: bought into a risky real estate venture. Informal To believe in, especially wholeheartedly or uncritically: couldn’t buy into that brand of conservatism. To purchase the entire stock, business rights, or interests of.

To purchase all that is available of. Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. A dollar doesn’t buy much these days. The couch was a real buy.

Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. When you buy something, you get it by paying money for it. The past tense and -ed participle of buy is bought. I’m going to buy everything that I need today. If you pay for a drink for someone else, you say that you buy them a drink. Let me buy you a drink. What did you get at the toy store?

He could not afford to buy a house. I’m not buying any of that nonsense. To acquire in exchange for money or something of equal value:purchase. To give, offer, or promise a bribe to. Something bought or capable of being bought:purchase. Something offered or bought at a low price:bargain. 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Je lui ai acheté une glace. Je lui ai acheté une montre. Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. Where is the nearest place to buy photographic equipment? Where is the nearest shop which sells photographic equipment?

Kde je nejbližší obchod s fotografickými potřebami? Wo ist der nächste Laden für Fotoausrüstungen? Hay una tienda por aquí cerca que venda material fotográfico? Missä on lähin kauppa, jossa myydään valokuvaustarvikkeita?