Bread without white flour

How to bake the ultimate loaf of bread Hone your baking skills and learn how to make bread with our simple step-by-step recipe for the most delicious homemade white loaf. 1 bread without white flour golden caster sugar and mix well.

Add 7g fast action yeast and mix again. Knead the dough On a lightly floured surface, knead by hand for 15 minutes or 7-10 minutes in an electric mixer, until the dough is smooth and elastic. Knead again Once the dough is risen, tip out onto a lightly floured surface and, using your hands, knock back to release any air. Continue kneading for 2 minutes until the dough is smooth.

Prepare to bake Turn the dough over and pinch together the seam that has formed, which ensures that ends of the bread won’t split open during baking. Smooth the top once more and place in the prepared tin. Cover lightly with a lightly oiled piece of cling film and allow to prove for one hour. Ingredients We’ve made a handy shopping list so you can get everything you need to bake the perfect loaf of white bread.