Birthday cake for nurse

Surprise call is the icing on the cake for birthday girl Birthday cake for nurse Druce! Donegal’s oldest citizen Ruby Druce rang in the New Year in style yesterday with cake, presents, and a surprise call from her favourite celebrities, Daniel and Majella O’Donnell. Remarkable Ruby, who turned 107 on New Year’s Eve, is Ireland’s fifth oldest person. The Castlefinn native celebrated another milestone birthday at home in Letterkenny, where she lives with her niece Margo Butler.

One of the greatest gifts of the day was a phone call from Daniel and Majella O’Donnell. The popular couple phoned to wish Ruby a happy birthday and said they hoped to call to visit her someday. According to Margo, that would be the highlight of Ruby’s year. Ruby had another huge haul of cards and presents to open yesterday. Among the gifts were flowers, perfume, chocolates and holy candles. She has also enjoyed having visitors over Christmas and Facetiming relatives abroad.

Ruby remains a very independent woman, enjoys her exercise and loves to get out and about in her home village. I can take her out of Castlefinn but I can’t take Castlefinn out of her! Ruby was the special guest at the Castlefinn Christmas lights switch-on this year and is very much a local celebrity. And after a tough few years of careful isolating during the pandemic, there are plenty of catch-ups to be had when Ruby goes to town. Ruby has lived a long and interesting life. She was the eldest of five children and lost two siblings, her brother James and sister Mary Elizabeth, to the Spanish Flu. Ruby worked in Porter’s Shirt Factory from the age of 14 to 62.