Best beef roast ever

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My Leftover Roast Beef Sandwich Recipe will change the way you use roast beef leftovers! This easy ciabatta sandwich recipe, complete with homemade remoulade sauce, cream cheese, and caramelized onions, is the best way to use leftover roast beef. But, with any roast beef recipe, there are always leftovers! One of my personal favorite ways to use leftover roast beef is to make a hot roast beef sandwich. There is nothing quite like a super flavorful sandwich with roast beef leftovers. Even better if you make the sauce and toppings from scratch!

This leftover roast beef sandwich recipe is my secret to getting the most out of leftovers. I make it using a homemade remoulade sauce and caramelized onions, and it stands out as the best beef sandwich I have ever had. It’s amazing for pot roast or as an idea for Prime Rib Leftovers. I guarantee you will feel the same way with just one bite! We love the combo of the sauce, the onions when using up leftover roast beef! Spread cream cheese on the bottom roll of your sandwich bun.

Add slices of leftover roast beef, or leftover shredded roast beef, over the cream cheese. On the top bun, spread remoulade sauce. Join the sandwich, cut in half, and serve! Pair with cheddar cheese and arugula, and enjoy cold or as a hot roast beef sandwich by warming it slightly. Double for enough to make 4 sandwiches.

For best results, heat in a saucepan over medium-heat after mixing, then cool. Au jus sandwich: Make it a french dip sandwich by heating au jus sauce for dipping and serving it hot with melted provolone, Swiss, or Mozzarella cheese. Roast Beef Sandwich Recipes FAQ What goes well with roast beef on a sandwich? Classic roast beef sandwiches include cheese and onions, which is what led to the creation of my roast beef sandwich recipe.