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On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The standard SI prefix for a hundred is “hecto-“. 100 is a Harshad number in decimal, and also in base-four, a base in-which it is also a self-descriptive number. 100 is the sum of the 100 calorie brownie nine prime numbers, from 2 through 23.

It is also divisible by the number of primes below it, 25. 100 cannot be expressed as the difference between any integer and the total of coprimes below it, making it a noncototient. 100 has a reduced totient of 20, and an Euler totient of 40. 100 can be expressed as a sum of some of its divisors, making it a semiperfect number. The geometric mean of its nine divisors is 10. 62, thus 100 is the seventh Leyland number. Woods number, and the fourth 18-gonal number.

The last such prime number is 23456789, which contains eight consecutive integers as digits. One hundred is the atomic number of fermium, an actinide and the last of the heavy metals that can be created through neutron bombardment. On the Celsius scale, 100 degrees is the boiling temperature of pure water at sea level. The Kármán line lies at an altitude of 100 kilometres above the Earth’s sea level and is commonly used to define the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space. There are 100 blasts of the Shofar heard in the service of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. A religious Jew is expected to utter at least 100 blessings daily.

In the Hindu epic of the Mahabharata, the king Dhritarashtra had 100 sons known as the Kauravas. The United States Senate has 100 Senators. By specification, 100 euro notes feature a picture of a Rococo gateway on the obverse and a Baroque bridge on the reverse. The number of years in a century. The number of centimeters in a meter.

The number of pounds in an American short hundredweight. In Greece, India, Israel and Nepal, 100 is the police telephone number. In Belgium, 100 is the ambulance and firefighter telephone number. In United Kingdom, 100 is the operator telephone number. The HTTP status code indicating that the client should continue with its request.

The age at which a person becomes a centenarian. The number of points required for a snooker player to score a century break, a significant milestone. The record number of points scored in one NBA game by a single player, set by Wilt Chamberlain of the Philadelphia Warriors on March 2, 1962. The 100-yard dash and the 100-metre dash are sprint track events. The 100-kilometre walk is a racewalking event.

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Numbers that are the sum of 4 positive cubes in exactly 1 way. Primes with distinct digits in ascending order. Historical Dictionary of Football, Scarecrow Press, p.

In Basketball Legend Chamberlain Dies at 63. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers London: Penguin Group. Look up hundred in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Ninety-seven years after a devastating nuclear apocalypse wipes out most human life on Earth, thousands of people now live in a space station orbiting Earth, which they call the Ark. In the second season, forty-eight of the remaining detainees are captured and taken to Mount Weather by the Mountain Men.

These are transfusing blood from imprisoned grounders as an anti-radiation treatment as their bodies have not adapted to deal with the remaining radiation on Earth. Medical tests of the forty-eight show their bone marrow will allow the Mountain Men to survive outside containment, so they begin taking the youths’ bone marrow. In the third season, Alpha Station renamed Arkadia, comes under new management when Pike, a former teacher, and mentor on the Ark, is elected as chancellor and begins a war with the grounders. Pike kills an encampment of grounder warriors while they sleep, which further damages their already fragile relationship with the grounders.

In the fourth season, two dozen nuclear reactors around the world are melting down due to decades of neglect that will result in the majority of the planet becoming uninhabitable. Clarke and the others search for ways to survive the coming wave of radiation. Clarke and the others attempt to recreate the formula, but fail to test it. In the fifth season, six years after the meltdown of the nuclear reactors, a prisoner transport ship arrives in the only green spot left on Earth, where Clarke and Madi, a young Nightblood grounder who also survived the wave of radiation that swept the planet after the meltdown, have been living. Those who survived in space and in the bunker have returned safely on the ground. In the sixth season, after 125 years in cryosleep, Clarke, Bellamy, and the others wake up to find out that they are no longer orbiting Earth and have been brought to a new habitable world, Alpha, also known as Sanctum.

After landing on this world, they discover a new society, led by ruling families known as the Primes. They also discover new dangers in this new world, and a mysterious rebel group, known as the Children of Gabriel as well as a mysterious Anomaly. The seventh season finds the inhabitants of Sanctum trying to find a way to live together in peace following the aftermath of the events of the previous season while battling the resurrected Dark Commander. At the same time, Clarke and others come into conflict with the mysterious Disciples, humans from another world who are convinced that Clarke holds the key to winning the last war that is coming. Taylor also portrays Josephine Lightbourne VIII in season six. Turco also portrays Simone Lightbourne VII in season six and the Judge in season seven. Goree was credited as main cast for the first three episodes of season one.